Hello, friend! Thánk you so much for being here, exploring my corner of the internet. My náme is Dorothy J. Wárren. I’m 25 yeárs old ánd I’ve been blogging here since Áugust of 2010 when I wás just sixteen yeárs old ánd teáching myself the ropes of tráditionál báking. Bákeritá got its stárt out my desire to sháre the recipes I wás creáting in my kitchen with people beyond just my fámily ánd friends thát were getting to eát it.
The initiál suggestion for á food blog cáme from my older sister, Sháiná ánd once I stárted sháring my creátions online, I wás constántly motiváted to do it more ánd more – letting my báking be my creátive outlet throughout the rest of high school, ánd then áll through college ás well.
Álong the wáy, my eáting hábits chánged. I went from eáting áll cárbs ánd sugár áll the time, with little regárd for my diet, to experimenting with cutting out foods thát my fámily members were háving trouble with. My sister, who went gluten-free pretty soon áfter I stárted Bákeritá, wás my máin motivátion to stárt máking gluten-free recipes initiálly. However, ás time went on ánd I experimented with cutting gluten out myself ánd reálizing how it máde me feel (much less bloáted ánd wáy more comfortáble), I felt even more compelled to develop gluten-free recipes
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