Green Cabbage Salad ♥ with Fresh Lime Vinaigrette

Green Cabbage Salad with Fresh Lime Vinaigrette, another fresh, healthy salad ♥ A Veggie Venture. Vegan. Gluten Free. Great for Meal Prep. Weight Watchers Friendly.
A quick-to-make combo of thin-sliced green cabbage and other vegetables with great color and crunch, all brightened with a vinaigrette that starts with fresh lime juice and ends with a touch of heat from hot sauce. So good and somehow more "cabbage salad" than "cabbage slaw". Fresh & Ready for Spring. Great for Meal Prep. Low Carb. Low Fat. Very Weight Watchers Friendly. Not just vegan, Vegan Done Real. Naturally Gluten Free.

What're You Loving?

Me, it's salads. Ask me what I'm hungry for? "Salad." Ask me what's for dinner? "Salad." Ask me to bring something to a potluck picnic? "Salad." Salad, salad, salad. And more salad. It's not a diet thing, it's just what tastes good.

It might be the Soup & Salad Effect, I blame credit the deep dives into A Veggie Ventures some-1300 recipes, looking just at the soups and salads from years back. (For example, April's collection included both show-stoppers for gatherings and easy, everyday salads for home.)

It might be the Meal Prep Effect, the experience that a meal is mere minutes away when I keep a "refrigerator salad" on hand at all times. When one runs out, make another asap.

It might be ... what else? maybe that salads are good for us? and taste great? and just make life easy in a way that a crockpot or a grill just can't?

Whatever the reason, salads it is. And hmmm, maybe especially cabbage salads? They're extra easy since cabbage keeps so well, both whole and once made into a salad.
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