Seasonal Soup & Salad Recipes ♥ January

Seasonal Soups & Salads for January, a monthly feature ♥ A Veggie Venture
Seasonal Soup and Salad recipes, ideas perfect for the month of January, all from A Veggie Venture's decade+ collection of 1300+ vegetable recipes. January's recipes are mostly veg(etari)an and call for easy-to-find ingredients. And healthy! It is January after all! Find your January salad (and soup!) inspiration here ... plus a life-changing meal-prep bonus!

About January's Recipe Collection

Back in 2006 (on Day 280 of that first year that gave A Veggie Venture its very name, when I tried a new vegetable recipe every day for an entire year), I wrote: "I tend to forget about vegetable salads during the winter. My mistake!" So true! And so January's list of salad recipes is shorter than I'd think – and two of the five were posted last year, the other three in the prior twelve years. (Shocking, that!) Are we all eating more winter salads than we once did? I'm pleased with these recipes, though, a mix of "weeknight simple" and "weekend fare".

Now soups are another matter! Soup simmers on the stove here twelve months a year, so no surprise, the list of January soup recipes is pretty amazing. I've stuck to real soups, not the heartier stews that are more "meal" than "soup" (you know, like Vegetable Chili with Sweet Potatoes & Chipotle or Tuscan Vegetable Stew or Beefy Tomatillo Chili).

A Year of Seasonal Soup & Salad Recipes? It's Happening!

January (you're here) February (to come) March (to come) April (to come) May (to come) June (to come) July (to come) August (to come) September (to come) October (to come) November December

Quick Lists for January

(click right through or scroll down for more information on why I've chosen each recipe)
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